2015 Westchester Water Works Conference
Hard Armor: Flexible Solutions

MacTube® geotextile containers are made from a woven polypropylene (PP) geotextile, ideal for coastal and marine engineering, dredging, and dewatering applications. MacTube® geotextile containers can be used in active coastal protection as a breakwater or groin, or in passive protection as dune rehabilitation or core filling. MacTube® geotextile containers are easy to install, both above and below the water surface. As a “soft” armored structure, it offers minimal impact to the environment while providing a cost effective alternative to “hard” structures. MacTube® geotextile containers can be used in the design of several types of coastal engineering structures such as revetments, groins, breakwaters, dikes, dune cores and reefs.
Hydraulically filled with sand, MacTube® geotextile containers can use on-site materials. Dredged material can be easily contained and disposed of, or reused, using MacTube® geotextile containers.
MacTube® is a geotextile container used for:
- Building coastal and river structures for erosion protection
- Dewatering a wide variety of wet slurry, waste, and sludge
- Containing, dewatering and reusing dredged material
MacTube® geotextile containers are constructed of high-strength woven geotextile fabrics that are extremely strong and durable with sewn seams that are up to 33% stronger than any competitor's product. Manufactured in a sand color to blend in with its surrounding, the geotextile fabric is woven in a rip-resistant weave pattern for maximum resistance to damage.
Dewatering & Dredging
MacTube® geotextile containers offer maximum versatility and ease of use for all your dewatering needs. They are a cost-effective alternative to the belt press method of dewatering sludge and eliminate the need for expensive capital expenditures for equipment. By using MacTube® geotextile containers for dewatering, you can increase the efficiency and reduce dewatering time. Dredged material can also be easily contained and disposed of, or reused, using MacTube® geotextile containers.
Placing and constructing MacTube® geotextile containers is simple and cost effective with minimal impact to the environment. They can be quickly filled in place, reducing construction time dramatically. Plus, the extremely strong, high-strength woven geotextile fabric provides increased confidence in material containment.
Download Post Super Storm Sandy Effects on Maccaferri Products
Download Ft. Pierce Featured in Florida Sport Fishing Magazine
Case History
Download USA088 - Beach Restoration - BVI
Download USA058-Island Restoration - Coaches Island, MD
Download USA055 - Containment Sediment Dewatering - Saginaw, MI
Download USA054 - Sediment Dewatering - Sterling Heights, MI
Download USA015 - MSE Wall for Sea Defense - Grenada, West Indies
Download USA117 - Peoria Riverfront Ecosystem - MacTube®
Download USA084 Update - MacTubes - Quogue, NY
Product Technical Data Sheets
Download MacTube® MT1010 PET Geotextile Containers
Download MacTube® Geotextile Containers
Download MacTube® MT1010 PP Geotextile Containers
Download MacTube® OS 500 Geotextile Containers
Download MacTube® OS 500 C Geotextile Containers
Technical Papers

Quick products list Barrier/Catch Fence BFM (Ballasted Filtering Mattress) BioMac® Debris Flow Barriers Double Twist Mesh Gabion Gabion Mattress GCS (Grid Composite System) Green Gabion® Green Terramesh® HEA Panel Hybrid Barrier/Attenuator MacBag® MacDrain™ MacELB MacGrid® EG MacGrid® WG MacGrid® AR MacGrid® T MacMat® MacScour MacTex® AR MacTex® EC MacTex® N MacTex® W1 MacTube® ParaDrain™ ParaGrid™ ParaLink™ ParaRib™ ParaWeb™ PMM (Polymeric Marine Mattress) Reno Mattress Ring Net Panel Road Mesh Rock Mesh® Rock Mesh® HR Rockfall Embankments Sack Gabion Snow Net Spenax Clips Terramesh® System Terrawall®
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10303 Governor Lane Blvd. Williamsport,MD 21795 1.800.638.7744