Fiber Dosing System
Fibers are one component of the concrete mix. Control of all the constituents and processes is important to obtain a perfect result. Using Maccaferri Wirand® steel fibers is simple:
- Introduce fibers into the concrete mix
- Let the fibers distribute homogenously
- Mixing time typically 1 minute per cubic meter of concrete
- Include admixtures to optimize workability
For smaller projects, the fibers are conveniently delivered in pre-weighed packs for deployment directly into the concrete mixing truck at the project site.
For larger projects, the rate of delivery and dispersal of fibers within the concrete matrix is important because the cycles are short.
Maccaferri's full range of DOSO fiber dosing systems has been developed to solve the specific problems of large slab flooring contractors, pre-cast plants and any ready mix operation. These can be stand-alone, or fully integrated into the concrete batching plant with the support of our production specialists.
Download Maccaferri featured in World Tunneling
Download Maccaferri is a Gold Sponsor at WTC 2013
Download Bekaert and Maccaferri Establish a Partnership for Underground Solutions
Case History
Download USA061 - Wirand FS7 - Interstate 10 - TX
Download USA147 Hibbits Dist Cnt AL
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Quick products list Anchors B Zero Tondo Steel Arches Barrier/Catch Fence BFM (Ballasted Filtering Mattress) BioMac® Chemicals & Accessories Debris Flow Barriers Double Twist Mesh Fiber Dosing System Fiberglass Reinforcement FibroMac™ Synthetic Fibers Gabion Gabion Mattress GCS (Grid Composite System) Green Gabion® Green Terramesh® HEA Panel Hybrid Barrier/Attenuator MacBag® MacDrain MacELB MacGrid® EG MacGrid® WG MacGrid® AR MacGrid® EC MacGrid® T MacMat® MacScour MacTex® MacTube® ParaDrain™ ParaGrid™ ParaLink™ ParaRib™ ParaWeb™ PMM (Polymeric Marine Mattress) Reno Mattress Ring Net Panel Road Mesh Rock Mesh® Rock Mesh® HR Rockfall Embankments Sack Gabion Shotcrete Additives Snow Net Spenax Clips Terramesh® System Terrawall® Tunneling Drainage Wirand® Steel Fibers
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10303 Governor Lane Blvd. Williamsport,MD 21795 1.800.638.7744