FibroMac™ Synthetic Fibers
FibroMac™ Synthetic Fibers are multi-filamentary fibers obtained from virgin polypropylene. These fibers are made to be included in the cement matrix (concrete, grout, etc.) in order to constitute a homogeneous material able to inhibit plastic shrinkage cracking.
Maccaferri’s FibroMac™ synthetic fibers can be mixed and homogeneously dispersed through the concrete to control its plastic shrinkage and, consequently, increase compactness and oppose micro-cracking.
FibroMac™ synthetic fibers come in a convenient hydro soluble package sized to most commonly used dosage rates.
Maccaferri recommends a blend of Wirand® steel fibers and FibroMac™ synthetic fibers to complement all the concrete effects from shrinkage to the structural long term behavior.
Applications include:
- Residence floorings
- Industrial floorings
- Parking lots
- Airport pavements
- Curtain walls
- Precast concrete elements
- Shotcrete
- High performance concrete mix
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Download USA061 - Wirand FS7 - Interstate 10 - TX
Download USA147 Hibbits Dist Cnt AL
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Quick products list Anchors B Zero Tondo Steel Arches Barrier/Catch Fence BFM (Ballasted Filtering Mattress) BioMac® Chemicals & Accessories Debris Flow Barriers Double Twist Mesh Fiber Dosing System Fiberglass Reinforcement FibroMac™ Synthetic Fibers Gabion Gabion Mattress GCS (Grid Composite System) Green Gabion® Green Terramesh® HEA Panel Hybrid Barrier/Attenuator MacBag® MacDrain MacELB MacGrid® EG MacGrid® WG MacGrid® AR MacGrid® EC MacGrid® T MacMat® MacScour MacTex® MacTube® ParaDrain™ ParaGrid™ ParaLink™ ParaRib™ ParaWeb™ PMM (Polymeric Marine Mattress) Reno Mattress Ring Net Panel Road Mesh Rock Mesh® Rock Mesh® HR Rockfall Embankments Sack Gabion Shotcrete Additives Snow Net Spenax Clips Terramesh® System Terrawall® Tunneling Drainage Wirand® Steel Fibers
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10303 Governor Lane Blvd. Williamsport,MD 21795 1.800.638.7744