2015 Westchester Water Works Conference
Hard Armor: Flexible Solutions

Snow Net
Maccaferri Snow Nets enable a considerable reduction of avalanche risks. Maccaferri snow nets are designed in order to stabilize the layer of snow at the potential avalanche detachment zone, thereby preventing the triggering effect of the avalanche.
The layer of snow exerts a pressure that must be absorbed by the nets and transmitted to the ground by means of a system of posts and anchors. The flexibility of the system reduces the pressure exerted by the snow on the structure in a parallel direction to the slope. The stress depends on the slope angle, the thickness of the layer of snow, the environmental conditions and the exposure of the slope itself.
The snow supporting structures act on the slipping and sliding mechanisms of the layer of snow in a downhill direction. This creates a "stagnation zone" on the upslope side, characterized by compression forces, which absorb a part of the dangerous shear forces in the weak layers and limit the propagation of the shear fractures. In this way, there is a reduction in the shear forces and a consequent increase in the stability of the layer of snow.
The snow net must be positioned in the area of the potential detachment of snow. It may be necessary to install various rows of structures, on the upslope and downslope sides of a potential failure point. This limits the propagation of the shear failure and the resulting movement of the mass of snow.
- Adapt themselves to the acting loads
- Cover a wide range of snow thickness (8 ft to 13 ft)
- Does not interrupt the continuity of the blanket of snow
- Resist dynamic type impact, although they are not designed for this purpose (i.e. falling rock masses)
- Low visual impact
- May be adapted to any type of ground alignment
Case History
Download USA089 - Rockfall Barriers - Zion Nat'l Park - UT
Download USA087 - Rockfall Simple Drapery - Peerless Park, MO
Download USA082 - Rock Mesh - WV
Download USA081 - Rockfall Protection - PA
Download USA080 - Rockfall Barriers - Aliamanu, HI
Download USA077 - Rockfall - Lewis Co., WA
Download USA049 - Lake Coachella Reservoir Rockfall, CA
Download USA047 - Rockfall Protection - North Bend, WA
Download USA043 - Rockfall Drapery System - SR 79 - PA
Download USA008 - Highway Rockfall Protection - Makapu'u, HI
Download USA052 - Debris Flow Barrier_RF_CA
Download USA119 - WADOT Rocky Reach Dam

Quick products list Barrier/Catch Fence BFM (Ballasted Filtering Mattress) BioMac® Debris Flow Barriers Double Twist Mesh Gabion Gabion Mattress GCS (Grid Composite System) Green Gabion® Green Terramesh® HEA Panel Hybrid Barrier/Attenuator MacBag® MacDrain™ MacELB MacGrid® EG MacGrid® WG MacGrid® AR MacGrid® T MacMat® MacScour MacTex® AR MacTex® EC MacTex® N MacTex® W1 MacTube® ParaDrain™ ParaGrid™ ParaLink™ ParaRib™ ParaWeb™ PMM (Polymeric Marine Mattress) Reno Mattress Ring Net Panel Road Mesh Rock Mesh® Rock Mesh® HR Rockfall Embankments Sack Gabion Snow Net Spenax Clips Terramesh® System Terrawall®
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