2015 Westchester Water Works Conference
Hard Armor: Flexible Solutions

Maccaferri BioMac® is a biodegradable erosion protection blanket made from natural fibers such as coir or a coir-straw mix. When BioMac® is secured to the soil slope it offers immediate erosion protection to the soil during the establishment phase of seeding and planting.
The three-ply composite of Maccaferri BioMac® provides immediate erosion control and a stable medium to support healthy plant growth. BioMac® is used for erosion control and revetment protection to assist in the establishment of vegetation on steep slopes, high rainfall areas, ditches, and water courses with low energy flows.
Case History
Download USA096 - Gabions & BioMac - Washington DC
Download USA091 - Solar Farm Slope Control - BioMac® - Ponce, PR
Product Technical Data Sheets

Quick products list Barrier/Catch Fence BFM (Ballasted Filtering Mattress) BioMac® Debris Flow Barriers Double Twist Mesh Gabion Gabion Mattress GCS (Grid Composite System) Green Gabion® Green Terramesh® HEA Panel Hybrid Barrier/Attenuator MacBag® MacDrain™ MacELB MacGrid® EG MacGrid® WG MacGrid® AR MacGrid® T MacMat® MacScour MacTex® AR MacTex® EC MacTex® N MacTex® W1 MacTube® ParaDrain™ ParaGrid™ ParaLink™ ParaRib™ ParaWeb™ PMM (Polymeric Marine Mattress) Reno Mattress Ring Net Panel Road Mesh Rock Mesh® Rock Mesh® HR Rockfall Embankments Sack Gabion Snow Net Spenax Clips Terramesh® System Terrawall®
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10303 Governor Lane Blvd. Williamsport,MD 21795 1.800.638.7744