Green Gabion®  

Green Gabion® is an environmental friendly trapezoidal gabion type used for erosion control for rivers, shorelines and streambanks. They provide immediate and long-term erosion control and create hospitable conditions for plant establishment.

Green Gabions® help to slow water velocities near the banks and trap sediment. They are made of PVC coated wire mesh baskets with an inclined face of 45° or 60°, lined with a coconut fiber blanket on the facing and filled with a mix of stone and topsoil. The 1000 gr/m2 heavy coconut mat has a durability of 3 to 5 years that allows vegetation establishment.

The integration of the vegetation provides a high resistance and durability of the structure. As the root system develops, it reinforces the soil providing a significant resistance to the structure.

Live staking and brush layering are two soil bioengineering techniques frequently use with Green Gabion® to enhance the vegetation.

If you are interested in downloading our technical data sheets, please go to documents.

  Green Gabion®
  Green Gabion®
  Green Gabion®
  Case Studies  

Erosion Control in Housing Subdivision
Borough of Mountainside,
New Jersey, USA
December 14, 2004

Erosion Control of River Bank
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
December 14, 2004


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Gabion Wall Design - "GawacWin"
Channel Design - "Macra 1"
Gabion Weir Design - "Macra2"


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© 2008 | Maccaferri Inc. | 10303 Governor Lane Boulevard | Williamsport, MD 21795 | 301-223-6910
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