HEA Panels  

HEA Panels are used to prevent or maintain rockfall and debris from falling onto roads, railways or where there is a possible loss of property or life. The HEA cable panel is steel cable netting made of unique knots that allow superior junction and energy absorption. This revolutionary junction is made of galfan coated twisted steel wire cables for high durability. The HEA steel rope panel is generally used for large rocks stabilization.

The HEA steel cable panel out performs most of the industry steel rope panels for resistance to the opening of one single mesh; deformation under static load; and stress dissipation to the anchorage points.

Comparison with the same measurements taken on traditional cable mesh panels connected with "studs" show that Maccaferri HEA panels are more reliable in terms of performance and quality.

With the knotted connection, when the limit resistance is overcome, the knot progressively unties itself until the breaking point is reached. However, with traditional stud connection systems, the connection fails suddenly when the resistance limit is exceeded. This produces immediate unraveling of the pane.

If you are interested in downloading our technical data sheets, please go to documents.

  HEA Panels
  HEA Panels
  HEA Panels



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