Maccaferri Gabions Inc. Environmental Solutions For Soil Erosion Control

Slope Stability

Maccaferri offers a variety of erosion control products that allow the engineer to choose the right type of protection needed for any situation. When the stabilization of steeper embankment slopes is required, Maccaferri offers a choice between: Terramesh®, Green Terramesh®, and Terram (Paragrid and Paralink) Geogrids. These mechanically stabilized earth solutions offer higher tensile reinforcement strengths with a choice between a gabion or vegetative front face.

When the stability of flatter slopes are required, Maccaferri provides a choice between the MacTex MXR35, MXR70 and Terram Geogrids. These Maccaferri products offer the best solution to stabilize flatter embankment slopes, because they are both economical and provide excellent reinforcement strength.

Lastly, for turf reinforcement along relatively flat slopes, the MacMat® erosion control mat provides excellent slope protection.